Suicide is the 14th leading cause of death in Ohio
Our Mission Statement:
Burn Away Your Burdens is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in northeast Ohio dedicated to bringing education and recovery skills to the general public to assist with individual mental health struggles along with their loved ones. We believe through educational self-awareness one can find the knowledge and coping skills to succeed and thrive with mental illness.
Why a Self-Care Retreat?
Here at Burn Away Your Burdens we are major proponents of therapy, and its benefits, however we have also noticed a lacking presence. We have observed an essential lack of assistance related to discovering and developing one’s coping skills. When using therapy we are often told to “find” coping skills that work for ourselves, but there is no lead as to how to go about this or where to find these supposed helpful skills; This is where BAYB comes in. With the help of donors such as yourself we can afford to continue developing a program that will teach these healthy coping skills to people, finally, filling in the gap that we have had for far too long. Please consider donating, as with your donation we can potentially save lives by giving them skills to survive intense moments that lead us to suicidal ideations. Donations go to directly supporting the non-profits continuation and its retreat to come to fruition. With your donation we move towards a more mindful, less suicidal world. |
Self-care retreat:
Burn Away Your Burdens has worked hard to create a therapist recommended self-care retreat for those struggling with mental illness such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, personality disorders and many others. After much research, we have decided upon the Meyers-Briggs personality test as the basis for this program because we believe it possesses the widest range of possibility in personality types that one could potentially fit into. We have created six different coping categories that each personality type would best fit with. After being tested through BAYB questionnaires one will know which coping category is best suited to help them. After they’ve been tested, during the retreat we will take them to hands-on activities from their fitted coping category to show them different coping mechanisms all based on their personality type(s). Coping mechanisms such as, yoga, animal therapy, and meditation are just a few coping skills that they will experience. We will teach them ways to manage emotions healthily with the use of the coping skills that best suit each person based on their personality type. When they leave, they will continue to use what was taught and be evaluated on progress throughout and afterwards. Donations go to supporting the nonprofits continuation and its retreat to come to fruition. |
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in those aged 10-24 in Ohio
My Story
My name is Tierra Zaleski, I am from northeast Ohio. I am Founder & President of Burn Away your Burdens. Mental health has always been a deep-hearted passion of mine since I was young.
I have been in therapy since I could talk & while not initially for mental illness things were discovered through those sessions. I had an adored therapist of mine, a lovely woman who helped me through much. She had come over one day, when I was just a teenager, at the time I was having a bad day after cleaning & rediscovering some mementoes that truly crushed me inside. Just seeing these old keepsakes hurt me. Well, she had the idea to get rid of them by burning them. At first I didn’t see how this would help, however, after watching those horrid memories burn to ash I felt a great sense of relief. I wanted nothing more than to share this relief with others. My initial thought was just a simple event so that others could experience the relief I had. But, after much thought and internal exploration I realized I wanted to not only host an event but start a nonprofit. I want to help people find proper ways to cope and live with their mental illness in a much less painful manner. Coping mechanisms are something I’ve noticed to be greatly lacking in our world. I would like to help rectify this. So that one can truly Thrive with Mental Illness.
I have been in therapy since I could talk & while not initially for mental illness things were discovered through those sessions. I had an adored therapist of mine, a lovely woman who helped me through much. She had come over one day, when I was just a teenager, at the time I was having a bad day after cleaning & rediscovering some mementoes that truly crushed me inside. Just seeing these old keepsakes hurt me. Well, she had the idea to get rid of them by burning them. At first I didn’t see how this would help, however, after watching those horrid memories burn to ash I felt a great sense of relief. I wanted nothing more than to share this relief with others. My initial thought was just a simple event so that others could experience the relief I had. But, after much thought and internal exploration I realized I wanted to not only host an event but start a nonprofit. I want to help people find proper ways to cope and live with their mental illness in a much less painful manner. Coping mechanisms are something I’ve noticed to be greatly lacking in our world. I would like to help rectify this. So that one can truly Thrive with Mental Illness.